How should one perform acts of worship during menopause?
Regardless of her age, the bleedings of a woman, who is in menopause period, after the first year of menopause are not accepted as menstrual but as istihadha/excuse (See Kasani, Bada’i, III, 200).
In this situation, as a woman with continuous bleeding is considered as an excused person, she performs ablution for every prayer time and establishes as many prayers as she wants with this ablution within the same prayer time, and performs other acts of worship unless one of the conditions that invalidate ablution other than her excuse occurs. When the prayer time ends or any other condition which invalidates the ablution occurs, the ablution is nullified (Mawsili, al-Ikhtiyar, I, 106-107)
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS