How does a woman who has bleeding in the transition period to menopause fulfill her acts of worship?
Menopause means the end of women’s ability to get pregnant and give birth, and not having menstrual bleeding anymore. Irregularities in menstruation and changes in menstruation days may be experienced during the transition period to menopause.
As expressed by experts, a woman who enters menopause may menstruate again within the first year. Such woman performs her worships like she did in the menstruation period. However, the blood seen after one year passes is accepted as a state of excuse. It will be appropriate for the woman who is in transition period to menopause to get examined by an gynecologist, have the doctor identify whether her bleeding is menstrual or excuse-based, and perform her worships accordingly.
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, High Board of Religious Affairs FATWAS