What are hadith about suckling (affinity through milk)? Examples of hadith about suckling (affinity through milk)…
According to ʿAʾisha (ra), the Prophet (saw) said, “Indeed Allah has made unlawful through suckling whatever He made unlawful (marriage) through birth.” (Muslim, al-Rada’, 2)
According to ʿAʾisha (ra), the Prophet (saw) said, “Be sure that you know who your milk-brother is because the foster suckling relationship is established solely on the instance when milk is the only food of the child.” (al-Bukhari, al-Nikah, 22)
Hajjaj b. Hajjaj al-Aslami reported that his father (ra) asked the Prophet (saw), “O Messenger of Allah! What will remove the responsibility of the foster relationship from me?” So he said, “A ghurra: a male slave or a female slave.” (al-Tirmidhi, al-Rada’, 6; al-Nasa’i, al-Nikah, 56)
ʿUmar b. al-Saʾib (ra) reported the following event: One day when the Messenger of Allah (saw) was sitting, his foster-father came forward. He spread out a part of his garment and he sat on it. Then his foster-mother came forward and he spread out the other side of his garment and she sat on it. Then his foster-brother came forward. The Messenger of Allah (saw) stood up for him and seated him before himself. (D5145, Abu Da’ud, al-Adab, 119-120)
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, Islam Through Hadiths