What is the ressurection in islam? What does resurrection mean in islam?
When the minor and major signs of the Last Day appear and the divinely-appointed time for the destruction of this fleeting world comes to pass, that great divine promise will be realised in an instant.
The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has stated in a prophetic narration:
“…The Final Hour will come while two men are spreading out a garment between them and they will not finish their transaction or fold the garment up.
The Final Hour will come while a man is carrying the milk of his milk-camel but will not be able to taste it.
The Final Hour will come while someone is mending his water basin and will not be able to water from it.
The Final Hour will come when someone is raising his food to his mouth but will not be able to taste it.” (Bukhari, Riqaq, 40; Ahmad, II, 369. See Muslim, Fitan 140, Iman 248)
The Blowing of the Trumpet (Sur)
The Resurrection will begin with the blowing of the Sur, or the Trumpet. The Trumpet is a kind of horn which will signal the total destruction of the world. It will be blown by the archangel Israfil (upon him be peace) to ensure that all the dead are gathered in the Place of Supreme Gathering after the final destruction.
The Trumpet, the exact nature of which remains unknown, is mentioned in a prophetic narration as follows:
“The Trumpet (Sur) which will be blown (is in the form of a ram’s horn).” (Abu Dawud, Sunna, 24)
The Qur’an states that the Trumpet will be sounded twice. The first will be accompanied by the final destruction of this worldly realm as we know it, and with the second will come the raising up of the dead from the graves.
Some Qur’anic verses state in relation to the events that will unfold in the universe as a result of the Trumpet’s second blowing:
“So the Trumpet will be blown with a single blast, and the earth and mountains are lifted and crushed with a single blow. On that Day, the Occurrence will occur and Heaven will be split apart, for that Day it will be frail.” (Al-Haqqa, 69:13-16)
“On the Day the earth and mountains shake and the mountains become like shifting dunes.” (Al-Muzzammil, 73:14)
“When the stars are extinguished, when heaven is split open, when the mountains are pulverised, when the Messengers’ time is appointed.” (Al-Mursalat, 77:8-11)
“On the day the earth is changed to other than the earth and the heavens likewise, and they parade before Allah, the One, the All-Conquering.” (Ibrahim, 14:48)
“That Day We will fold up heaven like folding up the pages of a book. As We originated the first creation so We will regenerate it. It is a promise binding on Us. That is what We will do.” (Al-Anbiya, 21:104)
“They will ask you about the mountains. Say: ‘My Lord will scatter them as dust. He will leave them as a barren, level plain on which you will see no dip or gradient.’ (Ta Ha, 20:105-107)
As for the state of human beings at both soundings of the Trumpet, the Qur’an states:
“The Trumpet will be blown and those in the earth will all lose consciousness, except those Allah wills. Then it will be blown a second time and at once they will be standing upright, looking on!” (Az-Zumar, 39:68)
“On that Day the first blast shudders, and the second blast follows it, hearts that Day will be pounding and eyes cast down.” (An-Nazi’at, 79:6-9)
The day the Trumpet will be blown will undoubtedly be the most terrifying day of worldly life, such that on that day little children will grow old out of dread and fear. Allah declares:
“How will you safeguard yourselves, if you disbelieve, against a Day which will turn children grey, by which heaven will be split apart? His promise will be fulfilled.” (Al-Muzammil, 73:17-18)
There are also those who will not be afraid on this Day of great horror, and who will be secure against sadness and sorrow because they are under the protection of Allah. As declared in another Qur’anic verse:
“On the Day the Trumpet is blown and everyone on earth is terrified – except those Allah wills, everyone will come to Him abject.” (An-Naml, 27:87)
Source: Osman Nuri Topbaş , Journey To Eternity, Erkam Publications