What are the etiquette rules in dealing with non muslims in islam? What are the rights of non muslims in islam?
Muslims should not greet non-Muslims when they meet them, and when the non-Muslims greet first, it is necessary for Muslims to reciprocate by saying “wa alaykum”. The Messenger of Allah -upon him blessings and peace- said, “Do not greet Jews and Christians first!” (Muslim, Salam, 13) Again, the Companions of the Prophet asked to our Prophet:
“People of the Book greet us, how should we greet them?” Our Prophet said:
“Say wa alaykum.” (Muslim, Salam, 7)
The following incident narrated by Aisha -May Allah be well-pleased with her-reveals the reason for this attitude that should be taken towards unbelievers. Aisha said: “A group of Jews entered the Messenger of Allah -upon him blessings and peace- and said, “As-Samu alaikum: Death be upon you!” I immediately noticed the sentence they said and told them, “as-Samu alaykum wa al-la’natu: Death and curse be upon you!” Allah’s Messenger warned me by saying:
“Slow down, O Aisha! Allah likes to treat all matters with grace!” I said,
“O Messenger of Allah! Didn’t you hear what they said?” Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah said:
“I already said them, ‘Wa alaikum: On the contrary, it is on you!’”” (Bukhari, Adab, 35)
However, greetings can be given to a group of non-Muslims among whom there are some Muslims. For, our Master met a group of Muslims, polytheists and Jews and greeted them. (Bukhari, Isti’zan, 20)
They Took Refuge In Us (A Story A Lesson)
During the time of Caliph Umar, a trade caravan came and stopped outside Medina for the night. They fell asleep immediately from exhaustion. Meanwhile, while everyone was sleeping, Caliph Umar was walking around the city. While he was walking around, the following incident happened.
Umar came to Abdurrahman bin Awf’s house and lifted him from his bed and said:
“A caravan came tonight. All are infidels. But they took refuge in us. They are many and valuable. I’m afraid foreigners, passengers will rob them. Come, let’s protect them. Abdurrahman ibn Awf replied:
“That would be great, you thought very well, I’ll be right back.”
They waited for the caravan in turns until morning. Then they went to the mosque for Dawn Prayer. A young man in the caravan woke up at that time. He followed them and went after them. He investigated and learned that the person guarding them was Caliph Umar with his friend. He came and told this to his friends:
“O Friends! Do you know that two Muslims waited for us until the morning and prevented our belongings from being stolen?” The man’s friends replied:
“Do you want us to believe that Muslims have no other business than to protect us? Moreover, they know that we are Christians.” The man continued:
“And do you know who that man was?” They asked
“Who was he?”
“He was Umar, Caliph of Muslims.” The men said,
“You have mistaken. What would the caliph be doing here at this time of night? He would probably be lying on a feather bed in his palace.” The man said:
“Like you, at first I couldn’t believe what I saw.
“Then how did you believe?”
“When it was morning and there was light, they left. Out of curiosity, I followed behind. They entered the mosque. I asked someone whom I met on the way “Who is this?”, he replied “Our caliph Umar”. The man continued:
“What are we waiting for?”
Listening carefully to what the man had said, the people of the caravan fell into a deep silence. There was no one left to talk or say anything. After a long silence, one of them broke the silence:
“What are we waiting for? Isn’t this enough as a proof that Islam is the true religion?”
Others also agreed with this statement. Seeing the level of mercy and compassion of the great Caliph, who was famous for his justice and devastated the armies of Rome and Iran, they understood that Islam was the true religion, and they all willingly converted to Islam.
Source; Islamic Etiquette, Faruk KANGER – Lokman HELVACI, Erkam Publications
Good Manners Towards Allah Almighty
Good Manners Towards Our Prophet