What are the basic rules of buy and sale in islam? What are the manners of shopping in islam?
Human is a creature in need of eating-drinking, housing, etc. These needs vary according to the situation, position and level of the people. While meeting material needs, essential needs should be determined and care should be taken not to waste. The needs of the soul should not be regarded as essential needs.
“…Finally, on that day, you will certainly be brought to account for the blessings (that you benefit from in this world).” (al-Takasur, 102: 8)
The Messenger of Allah -upon him blessings and peace- expressed the recipe for happiness necessary to attain peace of mind as follows:
“Look at those who stand at a lower level than you but don’t look at those who stand at a higher level than you, for that is better-suited that you do not disparage Allah’s favors.” (Muslim, Zuhd, 9)
“…Whoever looks to one above him for his religion, and follows him in it, and whoever looks to one who is below him in worldly matters, and praises Allah for the blessings He has favored the one who is above him with, then Allah writes him down as grateful and patient. And whoever looks to one who is below him for his religion, and looks to one who is above him for worldly matters, and grieves over what missed him of it, Allah does not write him down as grateful nor as patient.” (al-Tirmidhi, Qiyamah, 58)
Scarcity or abundance of goods is not important but the important matter is where we earn it and where we spend it.
The Messenger of Allah says:
“The feet of the son of Adam shall not move from before his Lord on the Day of Judgement, until he is asked about five things: About his life and what he did with it, about his youth and what he wore it out in, about his wealth and how he earned it, and spent it upon, and what he did with what he knew.” (al-Tirmidhi, Qiyamah, 1)
One should not go for shopping just to spend time and have fun.
“(The believers) turn away from things that are vain and useless.” (al-Mu’minun, 23: 3)
While shopping, Attention should be paid to waste.
Extravagance is an effort to buy reputation with property in order to suppress the feeling of inferiority. Allah Almighty explains what kind of a disaster it is as follows:
“Behold, the squanderers are, indeed, of the ilk of the satans…” (al-Isra, 17: 27)
In this regard, Allah Almighty has ordained that His servants should live with sensitive measures. In various verses, he specifically states the criteria that believers should observe in their spending and donations:
“(Those sincere servants of the Most Gracious) who, whenever they spend on others, are neither wasteful nor niggardly but [remember that] there is always a just mean between those [two extremes].” (Furqan, 25: 67)
Just as thirst cannot be quenched with sea water, it is not possible for man to satisfy his spiritual needs with mortal worldly possessions. Mortal things always increase suffering. In the end, a burning regret remains.
For this reason, the solution to waste, is to spend and give charity by living a contented, economical and simple life.
“(Those who have taqwa) who spend [in His way] in time of plenty and in time of hardship…” (Al Imran, 3: 134)
Attention should be paid to whether the products to be purchased are halal or haram.
Allah Almighty states the following in this regard in a verse:
“Eat of the things which Allah has provided for you, lawful and good; but fear Allah, in Whom you believe.” (al-Maida, 5: 88)
In many verses, substances that are haram to eat and drink are listed; It is ordered to stay away from eating unjustly the property of orphans, from interest, from gambling and from all kinds of unjust gains.
There is a beautiful story regarding the halal sensitivity of the Companions of the Cave told in the Qur’an:
The Companions of the Cave who chose to emigrate in an effort to preserve their faith and were put to sleep for 309 years in the cave where they took refuge, as a result of an extraordinary divine power and faith. When they wake up, they send one of them to the market and warn him saying:
“…Let, then, one of you go with these silver coins to the town, and let him find out what food is purest there, and bring you thereof [some] provisions…” (al-Kahf, 18: 19)
In this verse, the care that should be taken by people living in a land of disbelief and heedlessness regarding halal-haram has been expressed in the best way possible.
Halal leads the person to halal.
Ali Ramitani -may Allah sanctify his soul- said:
“A person who does not eat halal cannot find the strength to obey Allah and always tends to rebel His commands. A person who eats halal cannot be a rebel against Allah.” In like manner, it is stated in a verse;
“Shun everything that is (materially – spiritually) dirty and unclean!” (al-Muddassir, 74: 5)
One should not shop from places involved with haram business activities
One should not shop at places that are not suitable for the Muslim identity such as places selling alcohol, trading with interest, etc.
Umar -May Allah be well-pleased with her- said, “Whoever puts himself in a position that may cause the believers’ suspicion has no right to condemn those who blame him.” (Kanz al-Ummal, hadith no. 8815)
One should pay attention to religious sensitivities
While going out for shopping, one should pay attention to the physical and moral requirements of Islamic dress code (hijab).
Attention should also be paid to the manner of speaking and tone of voice. (One should not speak in a way that attracts attention)
Source; Islamic Etiquette, Faruk KANGER – Lokman HELVACI, Erkam Publications
Good Manners Towards Allah Almighty
Good Manners Towards Our Prophet