Every moment is a golden moment when spent in the obedience of Allah
When a person gets a valuable commodity like gold, he tries to protect even its smallest pieces. He tries not to waste even a milligram of it. Both the purchaser and the seller weigh it by precision scales. Time is the most valuable blessing bestowed upon man. He can be considered that he properly benefitted from this blessing and gained his eternal life by means of it depending upon how much he appreciated every day, hour and minute in accordance with the consent of Allah.
The human soul does not desire and accept mortality. This is because he always tries to escape from the reality of death and avoid reading the signs of mortality printed on everything. Whereas, death is the gate to the eternal life. Death is what takes place in front of that gate and is a kind of birth to the eternal life.
There are two advisers to the human against his heedlessness about and running from death. One of them addresses man via the best of the words, i.e. the Holy Qur’an, while the other addresses to man via the words of silence, i.e. the death. The silent scream of the gravestones is the best witness of this truth.
Even if there were no adviser, the existence of the death should be enough as an adviser for man. The best definition of life is made by the silent screams coming under the humid stones of the graveyards.
The life has its own calendar like the calendars in the sky and the calendars hung on the walls of our houses.
Following a winter which makes the soil arid and the branches bone-dry, a green and fresh spring comes. In like manner, after being nothing at first, man is created and then starts his life with the season of youth and freshness. Then he reaches the maturity. Just like all summers are followed by the season of fall, the seasons of man’s life start to turn reverse. His body starts losing its vigor and the weakness and incompetence start to be observed. In time, he turns into a person who knows nothing. This is expressed in the Qur’an as follows:
“But [let them always remember that] if We lengthen a human being’s days, We also cause him to decline in his powers [when he grows old]: will they not, then, use their reason?” (Ya Sin, 36: 68)
In other words, a person cannot become eternal by living longer in this transient world. Man’s desire for eternity is a sign that he belongs to the hereafter. Those who look at this world through the eyes of wisdom do not value this world other than seeing it as a capital for the hereafter. Because our true abode where we will live is the one in the hereafter.
Source: The Universe, The Qur’an And The Human, Osman Nuri Topbaş, Erkam Publications