What are hadiths about wedding (marriage ceremony)? Examples of hadiths about wedding (marriage ceremony)…
According to Muhammad b. Hatib al-Jumahi (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “The thing that differentiates lawful (marriage) from unlawful (relations) is announcing it by beating the tambourine and singing.” (al-Tirmidhi, al-Nikah, 6)
According to ʿAʾisha (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “Publicize this marriage and hold it in the mosque and beat the tambourine for it.” (al-Tirmidhi, al-Nikah, 6)
According to Abu Hurayra (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “On the first day, the wedding feast is an obligation, on the second day it is a custom, and on the third day it is showing off.” (Ibn Maja, al-Nikah, 25)
According to ʿAbd al-Rahman b. ʿAwf (ra), when the Prophet (saw) learned that he had married, said, “Give a wedding feast, even if with just one sheep.” (al-Bukhari, al-Buyuʿ, 1)
According to Abu Musa (ra), the Prophet (saw) said, “Set the captives free, accept the invitation, and visit the sick.” (al-Bukhari, al-Nikah, 72)
Source: Presidency Of Religious Affairs The Turkey, Islam Through Hadiths